Friday, October 17, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008


For the first time in my life, I fell aslepp halfway watching TOP GEAR, or any other automotives programming, in that respect.
This is one of the earliest programmes of TOP GEAR, pre-Needell&Clarkson, pre-Clarkson/Hammond/May.
This is the epitome of what national tv's boring broadcasting is all about. This is the day when entertainment is a totally different entity than information.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Serangan Binatang Buas Di Pantai Dalam!

My dear friend witnessed some UMNO goons attacked Nurul Izzah and her entourage at Kerinchi's Pasar Ramadhan yesterday evening. Thought to be Pro-Shahrizat. Status unknown as my friend fled straight away from ground zero(she was on her way to 'salam' Nurul prior to the attack).

So as you can see, these are the types of people they have in UMNO. I've come across many such 'GAI' people in real life as well as on the net. If anyone happens to encounter such retards, the best way is just to ignore these 'inbreds' and avoid conflicts. Sept 16 is just around the corner. Hope Izzah and the gangs are fine.

Talk Cock of the Day!

TALK COCK OF THE DAY (or rather yesterday):

Bercakap di Johor Bahru pagi tadi, Syed Hamid berkata, penahanan Tan di bawah ISA adalah sebahagian daripada langkah perlindungan kerajaan bagi "memastikan keselamatannya"
-Malaysiakini, Sep 13, 08 12:39pm

WAKAKAKAKAKAKA! Kalau macam ni, sape2 yang pinjam along tak bayar, boleh minta perlindungan bawah ISA. Ask for Hamid botak lebar al-bahalul.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ops Lalang & May 13th : The Sequel

Word on the street is, Mahathir Mamak Kerala is the mastermind behind this Ops Lalang 2(RPK, SC reporter, Teresa Kok ISA detention).

The same M.O. when Razak usurped power from Tunku. The same M.O. when najib hoisted his, i mean the keris in kampung baru and swore to bathe it with chinese blood in 1987 and subsequently created Ops Lalang. Najib scot-free while oppositions were detained under ISA.

How? Now they have started the Ops Lalang in hoping that they will get the citizen and opposition insurgences. Hence, anarchy in KL, ergo Paklah has to declare Emergency Rule. Then, Najib will order Paklah to step down and install himself as the PM. Muhyi as the DPM. Fellow opposition rebellion will be cast away in Kamunting. At the end of the day, Mahathir can sit back and relax and still rule the government from his KLCC office.

Key players are Mahathir Mamak Kerala as the mastermind, Hamid,Najib,Muhyi as the goons.

Plan of action? None. We just have to let DSAI and his posse do their job and not take the matter on our hand.

No, May 13th wasn't the Chinese or the Malay's fault. It was UMNO through and through. History books need to be re-written. Ciao.

Juadah ISA di Bulan Ramadan

Syed Hamid ingin membuktikan bahawa perutnya lebih besar daripada perut Raja Petra Kamarudin(RPK) dan kepalanya lagi botak dan licin daripada kepala RPK dengan tindakan menahan RPK tengahari tadi di kediamannya. Ini sekaligus menimbulkan tanda tanya di benak kepala hotak aku, semalam SKMM lepaskan sekatan ke atas MT, hari ni depa wat loqlaq plak dok tahan ISA. Betul la kot, tindakan pandai la tu, memberikan balik kebebasan suara tapi RPK sesudah diberi kebebasan bersuara, gomen anggap dia 'menyalahgunakan' kebebasan suara tu ek? WAKAKAKAKAKA, barua punya hamid botak!

Bulan Ramadan pulak tu tahan ISA. Isk isk isk! Aku suka layari MT, hari2 aku akan bukak kitab elektronik sebab nak baca artikel terbaru. Antara seksyen yang aku minat adalah No Holds Barred dan seksyen Dari Jelebu. Syed Hamid kepala botak perut buncit nyatakan MT menghina Nabi Muhammad dan Islam. Aku tak penah baca sepotong ayat pun dalam tulisan RPK menghina kedua nabi dan Islam. Apa yang Pak2 Menteri ni takut, rahsia mereka makin lama makin terbocor, seperti bocornya siling di parlimen dahulu dan kemudian dikaitkan dengan MP wanita yang bocor. Waduh! Aku sebagai seorang mamat yang tak paham apa itu 'journalism', tak paham apa itu investigative reporting dan sebagainya sangat mengagumi dengan 'scoop' yang terbit di MT. Setiap hari membuka kepala dan benak aku ni terhadap benda2 baru, terutama berkaitan politik dan konspirasi kerajaan. Kadang terpikir, macam mana RPK boleh dapat semua informasi yang pedas2 ini? Turun dari langit macam wahyu ke? Jelas, RPK dan penulis MT boleh memberikan berita yang sahih dan jelas, yang kekurangan kat MSM kat Malaysia ni. Kalau takat nak baca paper Utusan Meloya, makin bodoh adalah, asyik ditipu, aku pun dah penat suruh orang2 yang aku kenal, boleh baca Utusan tapi jangan percaya dan jangan beli. Ini Bahalul punya 'broadsheet' dibikin oleh orang yang bahalul kononnya reporter. Reporter taik kucing bau tungkik!

Berbalik kepada RPK, tatkala mendapat tahu penahanan beliau bawah ISA, selera aku nak puasa makin tercabar, darah aku terus naik, rasa macam nak hempuk sesuatu tapi apa? Rasa geram yang menyelinap dalam susuk tubuh aku ni hanya aku dan tuhan yang paham. Ramai lagi yang berperasaan macam aku ni kot. Aku ni, bapak aku cakap, macam dia jugak 'anti-opression'. Betul la kot. ANTI-INJUSTICE.

ISA itu sendiri diwujudkan oleh seorang makhluk British bernama Reginald H Hicklings di zaman insurgensi komunis bagi membendung tindakan ahli Komunis. 'Preamble' kepada ISA adalah 'Organized Violence'. Ini aku pening ni, tang mana 'organized violence'nyer? RPK dah macam rock star bagi kami, tulisannya ada kredibiliti, malah dapat menyatupadukan semua bangsa di Malaysia ni, tengok sahajalah komen2 di MT. Ahmad Ismail keturunan Pakistan takpun Kerala bagi aku lebih teruk kalau dikumpulkan kesemua artikel di MT. Mamat Penang ni bukan sahaja gemuk dan boroi, tapi dia secara terang mewujudkan suasan ketegangan kaum di Malaysia ni. Ditambah pulak konconya yang bermisai tu bertindak mengoyak poster, konon ganas giler la tu? Mangkuk ni tak kena ISA dan tak patut dikenakan ISA, menurut woghieh Rais Yatim. Orang Jelebu sorang je bleh pakai, nama dia Isham Rais bukan Rais Orphan ni. Pulau Batu Putih kalah pun rileks je.

Najib Tun Razak pula nak ikut jejak langkah bapak dia la kot, besok kan 13hb, dia nak 're-enact another May 13th'. Generasi sekarang lebih dewasa, bukan nak lawan pakai tangan tapi pakai otak. Bukan macam orang UMNO, aku letak bendera terbalik kat Facebook pun panggil aku dengan macam2 nama! Tapi aku jawab dengan cool. Itu beza aku dgn orang yang panggil mereka Melayu UMNO dan aku tak bangga! PODAH!

Sekarang tengah menunggu update di MT dan Malaysiakini ke mana dah dibawa oleh SB si RPK ni. Adakah ke Taiwan untuk jadi moderator antara Tian Chua dan Bung Radin? Aku pun tak tau la tapi aku harap dan berdoa RPK dilindungi sepanjang masa. Adakah aku taksub dgn RPK? Kawan aku cakap aku taksub, tapi biarlah aku taksub dengan perkara yang benar, apa salahnya.

Ni ada pesanan penaja:

‘RPK detained under ISA. Pls come to Kelana Jaya Stadium 8pm 15th September, 2008 to show solidarity for RPK’.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

That Thing Called Racism

I would like to stress that, whatever it is, however racist you might be and want to be, please do not get carried away with racial sentiments. We don't want another May 13th. Please read the following from Tunku as appeared in Malaysia Today, what really transpired on May 13th :

My father was trapped in Brickfield, KL(non-malay area) on that date and thank god nothing happened to him. Again, recently, UMNO planted the bad seed and wanted another May 13th to win the heart of the Malay, which support is slowly diminishing.

Ahmad thinks he got balls cos he knows Paklah needs the Penang UMNO attention, therefore playing hardball on the racial card to incite Malay fury, looking like a pure Malay hero, in order to gain Malay vote by sowing seeds of hatred in the Malays. These are politically motivated. Let's not forget that we are all the citizens of Malaysia and we should respect one another regardless of race.

Instead of fighting for the Malays, in general, why don't you fight for your own and your family by striving to be the best in whatever you do, the halal way. If everyone does this, the Malays would be better off and can be on par with other races.

As Master Yoda once preached, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering".

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reaksi Kepada Aksi Koyak Mengoyak

Artikel 153 tu dah jelas, penduduk majoriti Malaysia pun melayu. Jadi, secara dasarnya, perkara berkenaan Melayu ni takkan diubah. Apa yang perlu adalah satu resolusi untuk menangani ketidakseimbangan dari segi ekonomi dan sosial rakyat Malaysia. Tak perlu ubah perlembagaan pun. Pakatan rakyat pun terdiri daripada bangsa Melayu juga. Kepada orang Melayu yang takut dgn kehilangan hak istimewa ni, kita kena fikir camni, manusia yang bernama Ahmad Ismail ni seorang AHLIL POLITIK. Saya ulangi AHLIL POLITIK. AHLIL POLITIK hanya berjuang untuk mempertahankan kuasa. Tanpa kuasa, siapalah dia, serupalah dgn pegawai kerajaan yang dah bersara, masa dia jadi KSU semua orang dok sembah, masa lepas pencen, duduk rumah pakai kain pelikat ari2 baca suratkhabar takde sapa nak jenguk. Itu contohlah ye.

Bagi saya, orang Melayu ni mudah melatah. Perkara 153 dah jelas, perkara 3 dan perkara 13 pun dah jelas. Apa yang orang Malaysia ni perlukan, waima bangsa apa sekalipun, ialah 'good governance' untuk kebaikan semua rakyat. Saya tak perlu jelaskan apa yang sudah dijarah daripada kita oleh pemimpin Melayu UMNO ni kerana rata2 semua sudah tahu, walaupun tak mahu tahu menahu(boleh google). Cuma saya merasakan bahawa Perkara 160 ni lebih kepada sentimen kita terhadap agama Islam. Perkara 11 dan 12 bercanggah pulak dgn perkara 160 ni. Apapun, ini hanyalah pandangan remeh saya sahaja.

Kita nak marah Cina kenapa? Kita ada DEB, kita ada hak Bumiputera, kita ada macam2 kemudahan untuk Melayu. Tapi yang bayar cukai, 90% orang Cina juga. Orang Cina nak buat company pun kena ada bumiputera dalam company dia, wujudlah Ali Baba. Orang Melayu buat company pun dapat projek pakai cable, lepas dah dapat projek kita sub dekat Cina jugak. Yang nak marah tu kenapa? Kita yang wujudkan situasi ini. Janganlah Sejarah tok nenek kita nak ulang balik, sekarang ni generasi orang cina semua lahir di Malaysia.

Orang Melayu ni ada masalah 'inferiority complex' sebenarnya. Kita mudah melatah apabila membabitkan bangsa dan agama. Satu contoh, isu rasis jugalah ni, apabila YB Zul memperjuangkan Islam dalam protes di BAR Council. Beliau memperjuangkan ISlam berdasarkan Perlembagaan Malaysia artikel 153, beliau bukan memperjuangkan Islam berdasarkan ajaran Muhammad. Itu saya cakap, melayu mudah melatah. Disebabkan latahan kita itu, bangsa lain rasa lawak tgk kita. Adegan mengoyakkan gambar lebih sesuai kalau kita putus cinta dgn awek kita dan bukannya sesuatu tindakan yang profesional oleh pemimpin UMNO.

Utusan Malaysia pun 'racist' tapi saya tak nampak pun orang Cina nak koyak Utusan Malaysia.

Perkara pokok yang lebih besar adalah ke arah memartabatkan negara kita ini dengan amalan 'good governance' dan juga ketelusan baik daripada pernigkat atasan sehingga bawahan.

Perkara perkauman ni sudah tidak perlu disentuh lagi zaman hp Iphone 3g ni. Orang Melayu, Cina, India semua bergerak kedepan.

Btw, menyentuh pasal agama, orang Islam sendiri bunuh orang Islam, contoh paling senang, kat Iraq dulu. Bangsa bukan boleh bawak ke kubur pun tapi amalan(agama). Agama dan bangsa adalah dua entiti berlainan. Kita cakap kita berjuang demi bangsa dan agama tapi kita satukan kedua2 entiti tersebut lantas mengelabui perjuangan asal kita. Samalah macam tahap KKK dekat USA tu.

Orang Islam yang ekstremis ni tak kira apa bangsa pun, menganggap agama lain sangat hina tanpa kita mahu memahaminya. Islam ajar kita hormati agama lain jugak(ayat quran apa tatau). Disebabkan tindakan ekstremis nilah, orang agama lain terutamanya Barat Islam ni mcm komunis, menolak segalanya yang orang Islam tidak paham.

Wassalam. Sehingga kita berjumpa lagi di lain waktu dan rancangan. :D

Tuesday, August 26, 2008













Monday, August 25, 2008

Godspeed DSAI

Saingan sengit daripada pengundi hantu yang dijangkakan seramai 20 ribu orang yang akan dikemenyankan khas oleh UMNO ke Permatang Pauh. Pengundi hantu ini terdiri daripada Puteri UMNO, Mat rempit, penduduk satu rumah seramai 80 orang dan juga bantuan undi pos daripada pihak keselamatan yang dipaksa oleh UMNO untuk memangkah kotak Arif Shah, kalau tak pangkah akan dikenakan tindakan tata-tertib.

Ramlang Porigi sendiri sudah menyatakan sumpah Saiful tidak sah dan beliau telah dipaksa untuk menjadi saksi pada hari itu. Mufti Wilayah membalas kembali bahawa sumpah Saiful adalah sah dan mengikut prosedur. Persoalannya yang bermain di benak kepala gua yang tak berapa pandai agama, "MENGAPA MUFTI WP SENDIRI TAK JADI SAKSI, MENGAPA NAK PAKAI IMAM YANG BUKAN TERGOLONG DALAM KUMPULAN ULAMA?". Ini Mufti pun pakai ufti ka? Gua paham kalau iman itu tidak boleh diwarisi(seperti yang terjadi kepada anak ustaz Dato' Haji Hassan Azhari, iaitu Musa Hassan), tapi kalau mufti itu sendiri boleh dibeli, apakah duduknya di kerusi mufti itu WAJAR?

Semoga apapun tentangan esok, DSAI harus menang bagi memartabatkan rakyat Malaysia dan sekaligus memusnahkan UMNO untuk selama-lamanya. UMNO adalah bangsat umat Melayu dan sebuah parti racist(ala Nazi, KKK) yang diterapkan oleh penjajah dan mengamalkan pemerintahan bercorak opresi, kuku besi dan berteraskan Komunisme(kebebasan suara disekat, memutarbelitkan fakta melalui kawalan media seperti Utusan Malaysia dan TV3 yang membodohkan rakyat Malaysia khasnya umat Melayu). Ini yang dikatakan pembela Melayu? Pemimpin bangsat UMNO sendiri mentekedarah duit, apatah lagi pemimpin picisan di peringkat Bahagian dan Cawangan.

Semoga DSAI beroleh kemenangan besar dan mutlak hari ini di P44. Permatang Pauh dan sekaligus dapat memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara ini daripada terus dikuasai oleh pemimpin-pemimpin dungu daripada UMNO.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

PANAS! AG & IGP is as good as dead

Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid has made 2 outstanding revelation/evidence on the sodomee case. Read here for more info :

Bravo Dr Osman! As far as I'm concern, the AG & the IGP is as good as dead!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Uncle Pet vs. Uncle Petra

Joke of the year! Watch Uncle Pet as his attempt on putting virtue unto his nephew is in fact jeopardising the sodomy case. He should've just shut up and not get carried away with emotions, particularly on the issue of Raja Petra's latest shocking revelation regarding Saiful's medical check up at PUSRAWI.

This dude is stumped!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Carburetor Dung Revisited

My tribute to the recently lambasted carburetor dung, hehe. This song reminds me of those underground alternative music days. Still nice to hear, but I still think the original vocalist kinda sucked though.

Here goes, the 'Boo Hoo Clapping Song':

Friday, July 4, 2008

P.I. Bala retracts!

Less than 24 hrs of the mentioned SD on my last post, PI Bala retracted his SD on Najib's relationship to Altantuya.

Here's the latest news on the newly reincarnated MT :

Hell yeah, this is getting better and better! Forget Wall-e, Hancock, Batman, this is good stuff right here!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

US$500k Sex Scandal!

Read all about it here:

If you prefer to watch, well here's the youtube video of Anwar's press conference regarding P Balasubramaniam Statutory Declaration on Najib-Altantuya:

You be the judge!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Liwat Lawat Lewat ....Meluwat

Lagi lagi liwat, liwat liwat liwat liwat. Kalu aku ada anak kecik dia tanya aku apa benda liwat aku pon tatau nak cakap apa dah. Liwat ni bukan senang nak describe apatah lagi budak kecik yang tak paham mcm mana proses mak dan bapak dia hasilkan dia dulu.

Meluat, meluat dan meluap! Dah takde idea lain ke? Pakai kot tailor made, italian cut, cufflink diamond 2-3 ribu pon hanya boleh 'come out' dgn idea liwat? Aii, takkan nak pakai idea madey jugak? Madey dah di 'outcast' tapi idea dia pakai jugak?

Orang lain daripada buta tuli, dungu, IQ bawah 50 pon dah semak la dengar kes macam ni. Kat hollywood pon banyak citer politikal al-politikus macam WAG THE DOG, SYRIANA, etc tapi tak pernah plak pakai premis LIWAT sebagai agenda konspirasi. Kalaulah JFK di'toppled' dulu dgn idea liwat ni 'sure' legasi dia takkan berbadi macam anak dia terhempas kape terobang, abis power pon anak dia nama John ke tak silap jadi politician gay merangkap pedophile pastu kena tangkap dgn polis Cambodia masa tgh oral seks budak lelaki 5 tahun yang isap gam kat Riverfront, Phnom Penh.

Meluat sampai melalut. Apa kes budak 23 tahun ni nama Pedang tinggi 6 kaki bleh jadi sixth man dlm pasukan basketball mesia takleh lawan Pakcik Anwar umur warga emas? Kalu nak sedapkan sikit 'allegation' tu pon, rekalah dgn logik sikit. Boleh reka, si pedang ni cuba melawan apabila pakcik anwar cuba meraba telur pedang sambil meramas dgn rakus, tapi dapat dilawan oleh si pedang. Ini ko nak tuduh ko dah main pastu ko nak report. Samada ko pon gay ataupon ko ni terencat. Takpun cakap la minuman air sirap sudah di 'spiked oleh pakcik Anwar. Barulah REAL sikit. Ni aleh2 kena LIWATTTTTTT kat kondo. Kondo separuh siap mana tatau.

Aku pon pening la politik mesia ni. Idea mcm telenovela, soap opera dan drama spektra.

Nanti kalu masuk mahkamah boleh sapina celebrity gay mcm chef wan ke azwan ke jadi saksi professional utk beri keterangan berhubung ciri2 gay/bi. Suh depa terangkan dengan jelas mcm mana ciri2 gay, ada tak kat pakcik anwar? In mesia suma boleh, mesia boleh.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

EURO Blunder!

What happened?! All of the previous prediction can be regarded as major CRAP! None of them were correct. First of all, my team, Portugal been shown the exit by the always 'predicted champions', Germany. There's a saying in the world of football, 'Never write-off the Germans' and that platitude statement is again, correct! No wonder they make the best car in the world and that includes the 'unbreakable VW beetle'.

Ok, let's diagnose what was the being denied here. Portugal, although overwhelmed in the first half, they managed to fight back in the second. Now, in the first half, Nuno Gomes was denied a penalty when he got held back back a German defender(forgot his name). The ref should have again ruled out goal no 3 because it was clear that Ballack shoved Paulo Ferreira and although it was a minimal shove, it is technically a foul, ergo Ballack got an advantage to score what was again, a blunder from the defence and Ricardo. It was two-fold. The defence failed to curb the second set piece and Ricardo was flat footed, on the Portugal side. The ref however should've disallowed that 3rd goal. Bear in mind that this is the same ref who allowed Van Nistelrooy's offside first goal against Italy.

Maybe it's always true that the superior teams always have the upper hand advantage. I recall few years back when there was a controversy in the Serie A whereby teams like Juventus and AC Milan were given extensive extra period whevener they are down and can simply get advantage over any slight foul and that includes easily getting a penalty. I guess it's a psychological effect. They higher ranked teams always get the benefit of the doubt. ARghhh!

Anyways, I'm glad Holland is out because they played like Russia in the opening group match whilst Russia played like Holland in the group match. And I'm also glad that turkey is in the Semi as well. I must say that Guus Hiddink is THE GREATEST NATIONAL COACH. Remember Korea? Now it's Russia. I wonder could Malaysia afford him? Maybe if FAM were to appoint him as the FAM President, even that couldn't brush up our national team. Malaysia=crap.

Oh well, I'm going to see Italy-Spain now and i don't dare to predict because that gypsy woman was really crappy!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Euro 2008 Browser

According to a Portuguese gypsy woman, Portugal will meet Germany in the quarter final and go on to win 3-1. Then, at the semi final stage, Portugal is going to beat Croatia 2-1. Now the final match is a tricky one, either Spain or the Netherlands is going to make it.

The Gypsy woman also mentioned that Netherland has a slightly better chance of making it to the final but still, Portugal with Ronaldo, Deco, Nuno Gomes and Pepe will emerge as the victors, hence, redeeming Portugal defeat in the last Euro. Italy can wave bye bye from the group stage because according to this Gypsy woman as she whispers to my ears (because this was taboo), the wrath of Zidane hasn't subside and it's a 7 generation curse to Italian football.

The French by the way, since the departure of Zidane, has been playing a very confusing game, sometimes they play like an African team, sometimes as French. For all I care, Portugal has been playing an entertaining football ala Brasilian and I'm so impressed with the short pass play. Pepe reminds me of my favourite defender, Matthias Sammer but he has to sometimes play it low especially against Germany. From yesterday's match against the generic and boring Czech, there were some gripping moments during the last moments of the match from the complacency of the backline. Pepe must tone it down like the way he plays in La Liga and must concentrate on being only a stopper.

Anyhow, whatever the result is, I think Portugal is the most entertaining team in the Euro so far and they deserve to emerge as victors. FORCA PORTUGAL!

p/s: How I wish Pepe would join Man U next season! It will be a blast to have a such an unorthodox centreback!!!(dream on!)

Friday, June 6, 2008

PUTRAJAYA, June 6 (Bernama) -- Drivers in the country are advised to drive at not more than 100km/h as it can help save fuel, more so in light of yesterday's fuel price hike. The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS)'s director, Dr Wong Shaw Voon, said this was proven by studies in the United States.

"Although the speed limit in Malaysia is set at 110km/h, at that speed the rate of burning fuel is higher," he told reporters here today. Wong said the use of brakes without reason also led to higher fuel use as well as endangering other road users.

"This is because as a vehicle slows down, the driver has to press the accelerator again and this causes the vehicle to need more force and burn more fuel.

"Try not to switch lanes too. It takes up more petrol as well as you need to speed up and quickly go into another lane," he said. For those thinking of buying a car, Wong said detailed studies needed to be done first especially on fuel consumption by the car.

He said although many thought that luxury cars consumed more fuel, there were luxury cars that saved on fuel and as such the opinion of experts was very useful.

Also, he said, there were vehicles that were fitted with fuel consumption indicators that can help drivers determine driving methods that can save fuel.

Wong said the rise in fuel prices must be seen in a positive light and a little adjustment in driving could help reduce daily fuel expenses.

"It is a time for us to think. Previously we enjoyed the cheap petrol so we did not care much about the driving behaviour. Now it is time for us to revise it," he said.

-excerpts taken from Malaysia-today.Net

Adoi!Tell me something I dunno. And why the hell i read this post in the first place. Why don't we have a railroad for cars. So no braking is needed until we reach the destination and every rail is designated to a destination, so no need for traffic lights, cos idling wastes fuel. All those stated above are all old news, even before the price hike we already knew and sometimes practiced it. We don't need 'how to save fuel 101' tutorials, we need AFFORDABLE FUEL PRICE!got it? If you want to kaji ah, everything also must 'kaji', this weekend watch F1 and learn the dynamics of downforce, aero-dynamics and drag coefficient, temperature(air and tarmac), yada yada yada! DAMN STUPID article!

p/s:Please also propose the use of CAI (cold air intake) cos lower temps burn less fuel, then make rooftops for all the major roads in malaysia with kipas angin to make the air colder.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

RM2.70 thriller!

Kali ni aku nak tulis bahase Melayu rojak campur pasar campur loghat. Baru sat2 tadi aku pi stesen minyak Mobil kat rumah aku ni. Aku memang suka beli rokok kat Mobil ni sebab kedai kat area rumah aku ni memang sesak dengan orang. Den tak goma sosak2 ni, buek poning kopalo yo.
Nak dijadikan cerita, sesampainya aku di Mobil, betapa meriahnya suasana dah macam karnival Jomheboh takpun Perkampungan Hadhari. Minyak besok nak naik 78sen bagi petrol yang membawak kepada rege baru yang sangat mencabar iman iaitu RM2.70! Disel plak naik RM1 yang membawak kepada rege baru RM2.58. Shahrir Samad cakap rege ni lebih murah 30 sen sebenarnya. Aduih, alang2 dan naik 78 sen baik ko bundarkan terus jd singgit bagi puas ati! Aku punya meter minyak dah tinggal satu bar je time ni tapi aku tak terpikir plak nak isi minyak sampai full tank. Sebab aku tau besok atau lusa atau tulat, aku masih kena isi minyak kete. Aku pikir alang2 nak isi minyak baik bawak satu kontena pastu isi, paling kurang bleh tahan 2-3 bulan(ini hanyalah andaian sahaja).
Dah macam teksi merah putih NGV beratur nak amik turn aku tengok.
Dengar citer plak gomen nak bagi rebet RM625 setiap kali kita renew roadtax. Pe pasal plak nak bagi rebet, kita takmo rebet kita nak minyak murah. Rebet pun boleh tolak bayaran installment kete sebulan. Sajela nak bagi rebet sebab nak dapat pelepasan cukai kot? Itupun dia nak pos rebet tu, berapa lama nak sampai umah, wallahualam! Aku pun tatau sangat pasal cukai ni walaupun bapak aku pesara LHDN.
Gomen cakap ini semua dinamakan bawah Pakej Penstrukturan Subsidi. Bukan nak cakap apa la, tapi memandangkan rege minyak dah naik mcm haram ni, tak lama lagi rege barang pon akan naik. Itu lumrah, sebab rege minyak ni adalah benchmark bagi rege barang lain. Kalau mcm ni, terpaksa la aku naik motor takpun basikal sebab aku takde lesen motor sebab aku phobia naik motor.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

50 cutest child star trauma

(image is owned by

Why is it everytime i tuned to E! channel, i find myself watching the rerun of 'The 50 Cutest Child Star'? Literally, yeah I do mean it! What the fuck is wrong with astro? Whether i turned on the afternoon, evening, morning, late night, the same fucking show is on? What the fuck is wrong with the monopolistic ASTRO?
WE pay to watch up-to-date programs, not reruns!Those were in the MEGATV days! This is fucking 2008! I've sent a complaint letter a.k.a. HATE LETTER to the company.
I can't fucking understand it.
Another thing that's bothering me is that, the obnoxiously exorbitant amount we have to pay every month, non-inclusive of the dynasty package, news & cartoon package, the amount is RM93.95! And that includes paying for channels that we do not watch! Despite having to pay for the full amount for a package that we only watch only one channel, we have to bear to watch the ample loads of advertisement on pay tv! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS? It means that we pay to watch those stupid and lame advertisements with our own hard-earned money!
I'm so pissed off write now that I can't think of anything to write other than having the to go to ASTRO and burn the whole goddamn place!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Gadget Freak!

I'm a fool when it comes to gadgets. My life would be incomplete if I can't settle for gadgets and things that are electronically mechanized. I can be lurking around in Lowyat for hours, if only it operates like Mustapha Centre, that would be heaven on earth.
But, the thing is, you got to have some bucks to spend, at least RM5k, then only that would be optimising your spending spree in Lowyat. With 5k, i could at least get an 8 gb Ipod touch, 40gb PS3, and a high spec desktop PC. Then only I will come out of that place smiling from ear to ear.
Gadgets i own now still doesn't live up to my basic necessity. I never can get enough of what I own now. Why is that? Is it because the more you own the more you crave? I was first introduced to handheld gaming console when I first laid my eyes on the 80's classic, 'unaptly' named GAME & WATCH! I do hope some of my peers remember this Game & Watch (GW). But i called it Game Watch without the amphersand. Yeah, that was my first love, vice or whatever you want to call it. The first GW i had(after several rebellious moments with my parents, pity them) was a Casio 's Western Bar.
Namesake, the idea of the game is to shoot up as many beer bottles, plates, slided by the bartender in a bar. Once you reached top score, an outlaw enters the bar and the rest, as u know, would be to defeat the boss. I could play that generic game console for hours back when I was in standard one.
For the record, I had dozens or so GW, from casio to Nintendo and I used to swap GW with friends. I bet kids nowadays never know what a GW is.
From then on, I got myself a real console, an Atari 2600, although, this is not what I wanted because in 1989, this is considered an obsolete item! I wanted a Nintendo Entertainment System 8-bit or NES and my father talked me into buying an Atari!which was much cheaper. But, what the hell, I'd just settle for anything as long as it is playable via the TV. To think of it now, I rather am happy that i got the Atari because only it can considered as a gem or a classic. Bundled with the Atari is a 40 in one cartridge which consists of Activision's title such as Space Shuttle, Laser Blast, Tennis, Checkers, etc. I had semi-fun time playing it and after 2 months or so, I managed to get what I wanted, which was the NES!I made a pact with my dad to fork in some of my money and he agreed. Voila! Alas, the dream came through in 1990, during the end of the year school holiday.
Ok, that's it for now, cos all this talking bout video games made me wanna turn on my PSP. We'll continue later, for the golden era of gaming!

Sucking up - the sequel

Ok back to the story of sucking up, phew, luckily i logged off just in time. Thunders ablaze, I can't afford to buy a new modem, wireless router, or a new laptop! Back to the topic of sucking up. I was a kid who was largely known as a person who got no feeling. Anybody I knew, at one point or another, would dare to point out the fact that I have no feelings (takde perasaan). I don't bother to complement or show some affection to a baby, for instance(I'm not good with kids to tell the truth).
What I'm trying to say is that, for a person that puts aside feelings(except for my darling girlfriend), sucking up is not on my list! I just do not know how people learn to suck up in the first place. That's why i said in the earlier post that you do need a degree in sucking up. Because there's a fine line between sucking up and giving compliments.
It bothers me when people get their way just by sucking up. The world is ruled by suckers anyway. In politics, sucking up is a must. When there's a VIP coming to an event, people show their respect to the extent they are merely just sucking up. For an instance, its customary to kiss the hand when shaking hands in order to show respect. But, I just don't get it when just about every Tom, Dick & Harry would lineup and kiss the hand. Is this for real? Why don't you just kiss the ar*e. For all i care, people are just sucking up and it bothers me a lot.

What do i write?

Finally, i have my own blog to start with. The first task would be to write, duhh. So what should i write? Frankly, my dear, I don't know, duhh. Maybe I'd jumpstart with myself. A little bit of info, I'm 30 years old, currently semi-jobless. I still can't find what to do with my life, although I have the basic necessity of human ability like read, write, sleep, sh*t, etc. What does one want in life? What makes anybody different from the others, is it their career?the suit they wear? or is it how they suck up to their bosses and clients? How to be successful in business? Is it mandatory for one to be having a degree majoring in sucking up to be able to be successful in business?
I always thought that sucking up is a process of getting favor or the way to get upstairs more quickly eventhough one does not possess ay significant quality.
Do I have to suck up? why must i suck up? There's a fine line between sucking up n praising. To tell you the truth, people suck up all the time and the people taht are sucked up to must return the sucking up favor. Why? Because that's how people work. You receive sucking up and u return the favor. Why I must return something that in the first place i do not wish to receive?Because, it's human mentality after all.
Sucking up leads to corruption as well. It's a quid pro quo process. One must be in quite well adapt to this corruption process in order to be able to learn the ropes of sucking up.
The suck-ups are mostly businessman, politician and also normal people. Oh...i must go's raining thunder! TBC...