Monday, May 26, 2008

Sucking up - the sequel

Ok back to the story of sucking up, phew, luckily i logged off just in time. Thunders ablaze, I can't afford to buy a new modem, wireless router, or a new laptop! Back to the topic of sucking up. I was a kid who was largely known as a person who got no feeling. Anybody I knew, at one point or another, would dare to point out the fact that I have no feelings (takde perasaan). I don't bother to complement or show some affection to a baby, for instance(I'm not good with kids to tell the truth).
What I'm trying to say is that, for a person that puts aside feelings(except for my darling girlfriend), sucking up is not on my list! I just do not know how people learn to suck up in the first place. That's why i said in the earlier post that you do need a degree in sucking up. Because there's a fine line between sucking up and giving compliments.
It bothers me when people get their way just by sucking up. The world is ruled by suckers anyway. In politics, sucking up is a must. When there's a VIP coming to an event, people show their respect to the extent they are merely just sucking up. For an instance, its customary to kiss the hand when shaking hands in order to show respect. But, I just don't get it when just about every Tom, Dick & Harry would lineup and kiss the hand. Is this for real? Why don't you just kiss the ar*e. For all i care, people are just sucking up and it bothers me a lot.

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