Thursday, September 11, 2008

That Thing Called Racism

I would like to stress that, whatever it is, however racist you might be and want to be, please do not get carried away with racial sentiments. We don't want another May 13th. Please read the following from Tunku as appeared in Malaysia Today, what really transpired on May 13th :

My father was trapped in Brickfield, KL(non-malay area) on that date and thank god nothing happened to him. Again, recently, UMNO planted the bad seed and wanted another May 13th to win the heart of the Malay, which support is slowly diminishing.

Ahmad thinks he got balls cos he knows Paklah needs the Penang UMNO attention, therefore playing hardball on the racial card to incite Malay fury, looking like a pure Malay hero, in order to gain Malay vote by sowing seeds of hatred in the Malays. These are politically motivated. Let's not forget that we are all the citizens of Malaysia and we should respect one another regardless of race.

Instead of fighting for the Malays, in general, why don't you fight for your own and your family by striving to be the best in whatever you do, the halal way. If everyone does this, the Malays would be better off and can be on par with other races.

As Master Yoda once preached, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering".

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